Blake Oliver, CPA

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Don't let work get in the way of your fitness goals this year

If you made a New Year's resolution to get in shape, I just want to encourage you to keep going and not give up. And don't let work get in the way.

It's worth it. You will feel so much better physically and mentally. And you'll be more productive, even if you work fewer hours.

Here's my story:

Six months ago, I started swimming with a goal to swim 500 meters daily, about 20 laps. When I started, I was really slow. I could barely swim one lap without stopping for breath.

But I kept at it.

Now, after six months, I swim 1,000 meters a day. I'm aiming for 1,500 meters in 30 minutes every day in 2024.

I lost 15 pounds. I haven't felt this good since college.

I had to reduce my work hours to make time for exercise, but I'm more focused and productive when I'm working, so it hasn't impacted my productivity.

So keep it up! You won't regret it.

If you work for a firm or a company that doesn't give you the work hours flexibility to stay physically fit, consider making a change to one that does.

There are so many small firms and teams that value their employee well-being. It's not worth staying at a company that cares more about your timesheets than you.